One day I wrote some stuff. One day you read it.


April 16, 2010

Jamie does Marrakesh

dreaming of sunshine
Yes, wouldn't it be nice if you were draped in dappled sunlight. I strongly hope that little peep at the great british summer time at the weekend was not it for this year. Although arguably it would already be a step up from last year's limp attempt. Nonetheless, I'll swim in the waters of ignorant bliss and dream about a joyous ice-lolly-requiring long summer. If I had a job that paid me a proper wage I'd buy the above. Oh yes. Unadulterated primary colours a go-go. Totally scrummy I think. By the way People Tree is a new-ish label offering fairly traded ethical clothing. The best type of clothing. Find stuff here.....
So I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, ergo I'm watching a lot of TV cooking programmes. I try to keep it high-brow and stay away from Saturday Kitchen. Foodie snobbery is just the best. The highest form of intelligence and acceptable tv viewing. Anyway, I saw Jaime does... This week Jamie does Marrakesh. Let's get a few things straight, (i) I don't like Jamie Oliver that much (ii)....actually that's sufficient. He's a little too brash for me and annoying. But I admit his food is pretty good. I have to say the food in Jamie does Marrakech was really good-looking. In particular the Mechoui lamb with carrot and orange salad recipe I'm thinking carrot and orange salad is a massive yes. I'm glad something new was offered to us about Moroccan cuisine not just oodles and oodles of tagine and cous cous. Cous cous isn't even normally eaten with tagine.

Armorica Tagine
The tagine Jamie made looked like a damned good tagine, all too often I find they're too rich or too watery. What's more the dishes were really accessible in the english kitchen as well as in a Riad in the spiralling alleys of Marrakech. The tangier looked like a really good idea. I'm not sure what to make of Jamie Oliver's style. Part of me thinks it's far too in your face and quite insulting to the people he was meeting. At the same time, maybe it's time I lightened up a bit, he was trying to engage with the people and be himself and in a way it seemed to work. He wouldn't perhaps have shown us the things he did, like the pastry making and home-food, without being a little bit upfront. I think of Morocco as somewhere especially as a girl would be quite harassing, but Jamie seems to play them at their own game. They probably did wonder who the hell he was.  He seemed to have gone back to his roots on the scooter. It's a funny juxtaposition to see it in the winding streets of morocco rather than Essex though.
As always, seeing the souks, medinas and mosques of Morocco inspired me to go there. Along with the hubbub and glittering lights I think it must make a great experience. I'd like to go to Fez to see the Tanners, the music and the dancing.
I think next week's Jamie does Andalusia will be well worth a watch too.

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