One day I wrote some stuff. One day you read it.


March 12, 2010

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?

'For most of history, Anonymous was a woman' ~ Virginia Woolf
Lots of 'hear it for the girls' recently, but as it's the week of International Women's Day I figure, once more won't hurt. I watched The Hours recently, a film about the life of Virginia Woolf. It was well-crafted mixing three stories of three women from different periods of time, one was Virginia Woolf, the other two were more recent Woolf fans. I didn't realise how she struggled in her life and her fight for liberation from her husband, her friends and her society. After this, I was inspired to read Mrs Dalloway, before deeming Woolf, 'too hard'. It was pretty hard and unfortunately not as life-changing as I'd hoped. Even so it was an interesting read and it seemed semi-autobiographical.

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